Selling Digital Products Is Just 1 Way To Replace Your Teaching Salary

CEO Teacher, Digital Resource Creator
  1. […] Selling Digital Products is Just 1 Way to Replace Your Teaching Salary […]

  2. […] my groove in the classroom. I wanted something new and fresh every day.  In 2013, I discovered a website where people could sell their teaching resources online to other teachers.  I created resources all the time for my students, but I never thought I could make money online […]

  3. […] other people you know? There’s so much noise online these days that it can become overwhelming. Who do you listen to? Who has the right strategy? Will taking their advice really work for you too, … Those questions are a huge thing I’ve battled with over the years as I look for new mentors and […]

  4. […] Selling Digital Products Is Just 1 Way To Replace Your Teaching Salary […]

  5. Wendy says:

    I just quit my job last week because of continuously becoming sick in a toxic teaching environment. Having an autoimmune disorder, the responsibility and stress was overwhelming. After reading these responses, I had no idea other teachers had silimiar stress and health issues all due to teaching. Wild.

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