Subscription based business models are a form of recurring revenue where customers pay monthly, quarterly, or yearly fees in exchange for your products or services. In the case of creating a box for teachers or students, the sky is the limit as to what you could provide as an additional stream of revenue.
Ready to start your teacher-inspired subscription based business?
Sometimes, a price tag on a product or service can be costly for a teacher or student. When you set the price at a more affordable point with an option to pay using multiple payments, you are allowing your customers to include your products in their regular budget. It is predicted that 75% of organizations selling directly to consumers will offer subscription services by the end of 2023.
This means there has never been a better time to think about adding a physical product box to your teacher business.
Subscription business ideas to spark your creativity.
Subscription Box Business Ideas:
First, let’s chat about what a subscription box is. A subscription box is a form of product grouping where multiple products are physically shipped to a customer on a recurring basis. They can be themed for a season. Based on a specific idea. Or even as a way to cut down on a teacher's need to scour the internet.
Think Language Arts box for middle school teachers. It has everything needed to teach a novel study, including the novel, room transformation decor, and lesson plans. Curriculum in a Box!
A few ideas to get you moving:
Subscription box for readers: this is a personal favorite. It's kind of like an online library but tailored to a specific age or reading ability. My kiddos would go nuts for a new book showing up each month, and it might help them expand their reading reach.
Subscription Box, woman-inspired: maybe your entire box is based on new teachers, seasoned teachers, or new mom teachers. No matter how you niche down, keep the items feminine and girlie. If you are a male teacher, how can you apply the same logic to your teaching group?
Subscription box jewelry and lanyards: kind of like stitch fix but for teachers who want to start a lanyard or jewelry collection based on their school spirit days.
7 Steps to Start Subscription Based Business Models For Teachers
This should probably be near the top of the list. So many people wait until the business is going to develop a plan. Mind map your ideas and create a plan first!
This is where your marketing skills come into play. Understanding organic search and SEO. Plus creating the awareness factor so people know what you have to offer. And I know, teachers don't like to say “buy my thing” that's why I teach you how to utilize connection marketing. No icky salesy content over here!
Subscription based companies all start with a framework!
Start Your Own Subscription Box Marketplace For Teachers
And that's where your website hub comes in. You can add your own page that explains your box idea. Create a checkout page. Calculate Shipping (there’s a plug-in for everything on WordPress) and get started shipping out your content in the next few weeks.
Subscription based business models for educators, teachers, and those with a passion for helping others.
Now let’s chat about the 4 things you need to consider when creating your own subscription based model:
What will PROMPT your customers to use your product?
This is where your teaching expertise comes in. You know they need you- they just don’t know they need you YET! So how will you make them understand they need what you’ve got?
What HABIT do you want your audience to get into so they use your product?
Do you want them to create lifelong readers? Uplevel their lesson delivery, or maybe you are simply easing the challenge of how to take part in the multitude of spirit wear days.
What aspect of your product will encourage a user to continue to need your SERVICE?
Do your products expire? Do you use them up and leave your customers wanting more (candles, beauty products, etc.) Are they seasonal, so they NEED the next one in the series…
What will the INVESTMENT be for a customer to continue to come back?
Is there a way to offer repeat customers a discount, or pay for a year for savings? How can you get your people to keep coming back for more?
4 things to consider: subscription box business ideas…
Not ready to start your own subscription based business?
Maybe you still need more info, or perhaps you are ready to go down a different path in education. Either in a traditional sense or a nontraditional route.
Here are 10 success paths you could follow.
No more recreating the wheel.
Just some teachers who have gone before you and are spilling all the secrets.
CEO Teachers® are creating their own subscription box marketplace.
There is room for everyone on this big beautiful playground.
This training will not only show you how to make the perfect TPT resource... l'll also teach you how to make sure it ranks #1 in search (because getting found is how you get paid!) and the secret to rocking your resource marketing! Seats are limited; sign up now!
3 Steps to Sell Your Resources Like Hotcakes on TPT and Beyond…
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