Your innate skill to do it all and then some, sometimes makes you forget that while you are a superhero, you still need to be able to protect yourself from burnout. So in today’s episode I want to chat about some of the things you can do to prevent burn out and find your version of teacher work life balance.
I know that you have had some of the hardest years in education. HOW you ask? Because I listen to my community (+ burnout has been around longer than the last few years). I see all you are doing to hold it together for your students, your family, and your own sanity.
I want to share the tips and strategies that finally helped me see the bigger picture! The same tips and strategies that have helped our students feel at peace with the choices they make (whether they choose to make their impact in the classroom, or uncovering their deepest desires and impacting education in a unique or non-traditional way).
I encourage you to take what you need from this episode and leave the rest!
In this episode, you will learn:
What's your CEO Teacher® Type? Find out here!
Download my free book, A Teacher’s Map of Online Business Secrets, and get started growing your business today!
Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here!
Send me a DM on Instagram– I love chatting with my people, so tell me the one thing still tripping you up when it comes to your teacher work life balance.
Tag me @theceoteacher on Instagram and tell me what you are listening to! I love seeing what resonates most with our listeners!
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Let’s work together to turn what you already know and love (teaching!) into a successful & sustainable online offer. You provide the passion and expertise, and I’ll share all the business know-how to turn your greatest strength in the classroom into something so much more!
For those who want to find a way to more influence, and more impact beyond the four walls of their classrooms.
I am here to support you, cheer you on, celebrate with you, and hold your hand through the techy parts, the scary parts, and the pieces you never learned in college so that you can leverage your teacher magic and unique expertise and build something sustainable online.
This training will not only show you how to make the perfect TPT resource...
l'll also teach you how to make sure it ranks #1 in search (because getting found is how you get paid!) and the secret to rocking your resource marketing!
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