Tips for Facebook Live Success Ready to learn how going live on Facebook will benefit your teacher business in the new year? Facebook Live is still the leading live video platform going into 2023. And I want to share how you can use these 3 best practices for up-leveling your teacher business in the new […]

going live on facebook

Put your business growth into hyperdrive: learn how to go live  Learning how to go live on Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram – or even learning how to go live on all three platforms at the SAME TIME! – can be the difference of growing your business slowly or putting the proverbial business-petal to the metal. […]


 Boost your conversion rate by Creating Teachers Pay Teachers Video Previews for Your Products Teachers Pay Teachers Video Preview and why you need them… A few years ago, Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) rolled out a new initiative that allows you to attach a video preview to your TPT products. And ever since, there have […]


From Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) Systems to Teachers Pay Teachers Sales Hey CEO Teacher! Early in my days of Teacher Pay Teachers (TpT) sales and my CEO Teacher business, I thought I had a secret weapon. I was convinced I could outwork anyone. ANYONE, I tell you. After all, I worked hard. I worked harder […]
