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Creating an online teacher membership is an untapped way to make a monthly recurring income while serving teachers and making their lives easier! I’ve learned the secrets to a successful membership through trial and error of building my own vibrant membership community. I believe that the only way to succeed is through learning, hard work, […]

start your own online business

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Search Engine Optimization 101- Ahhhh Willy Wonka’s golden ticket. I reference it a lot, but SEO helped me go from Zero to Hero with my TPT products, blog posts, Instagram posts and so much more. When I say SEO I’m not talking about CEO which stands for the chief executive officer. I’m talking about SEO […]

search engine optimization

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Bring your classroom teacher something special with this holiday gift guide for teachers. Our teachers work so hard all year and it’s so important that we show our teacher appreciation. As a former teacher, I know I always appreciated a little bit of love and kindness during the holiday season. Whether a handwritten note from […]

Holiday Gift Guide for Teachers

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Subscription based business models are a form of recurring revenue where customers pay monthly, quarterly, or yearly fees in exchange for your products or services. In the case of creating a box for teachers or students, the sky is the limit as to what you could provide as an additional stream of revenue.  Sometimes, a […]

subscription based business

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Today I am excited to chat about teacher side hustle jobs you might not have considered. We have been watching this amazing human do great things for the teaching community and it’s been so refreshing and so nice just to see someone come in and really dominate the space on making a transition as a […]

teacher side hustle jobs

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You probably know a thing or two about what becoming a TPT seller can do for you. I see you hustlin,’ teacher friend! Waking up early to grade those last couple of tests before tossing your hair into a messy bun and booking it to the classroom, thermos of medium roast in hand. I see […]

tpt seller

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Have you ever wanted to know how to make worksheets and other resources to sell online? I first found a complete marketing website. You may have heard of it. I found Teachers Pay Teachers when I was in the darkest season of my life. I was an eighth-grade ELA teacher by day and a mom […]

how to make worksheets

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I know you have seen a teacher blogger share their ideas, resources, and classroom transformations across the internet. And in 2023 blogging is coming back with a vengeance. Yes, we are a ‘give it to me now’ society when it comes to information. But there are still some ideas that need more explanation than a […]

teacher blogger

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