My goal for you is to help you create the life you want as a teacher. In order to retain any new knowledge and have it become normal behavior or something you do unconsciously, you have to do a lot of repetition. Kudos to you for sharpening the saw and achieving greatness by listening and learning. I’ve created a 3 step process to help you create the CEO Teacher® life you want and I’m ready to share the secrets.
The frontal lobes are the part of the brain that controls decision-making and the overall executive controls in our day-to-day life. That is the selection and coordination of goal-directed behaviors. Current models of frontal executive function, however, do not explain human decision-making in everyday environments featuring uncertain, changing, and especially open-ended situations. So, here lies why one person sets out a mission to be successful by selling their teaching resources online and is successful, and another person isn't.
What if I told you that creating more income as a teacher wasn’t about extra degrees or moving up the proverbial teaching ladder? It isn’t about the next step on your yearly salary goal or becoming an after-school tutor. It isn’t about eventually becoming an admin or working as a door dash delivery driver in the evenings? Although I’m cheering you on if that’s your goal, it doesn’t have to be that way.
There are 3 questions that I want you to ask yourself to help you get there. Now, these 3 questions can and will change the trajectory of your life – but only IF you believe they can. A world-class life is designed NOT created by whatever happens to you day by day. Instead, you get to create the life you want. You get to make the decisions.
Did you know that out of 100 people surveyed, only 5 can tell you their purpose in life and only 1 can be direct with you. That means that 95 other people are living their life day by day letting whatever happens to them, just happen. How can you cultivate a statement that becomes your mission statement? How can you create a one or two-liner that allows you to answer those questions every day?
Now, of course, it can be a lot more complicated than that. You can easily give a one or two-sentence statement about the life you want but you don’t always go into detail about the small things. That’s what creating a clear vision looks like.
Now I can truly begin to create the life I want because I can see the life I want. Don’t get so caught up in the “how” or the 1,2,3 steps to get there that you become overwhelmed or give up. That isn’t how you make things happen, it has to become who you are each and every day before you can reach that point. Now that we’ve decided what we want, it’s time to move on to the next step.
I can clearly see, feel, touch, taste, and smell my life as I move into another season of happiness and growth. I can feel my toes in the sand on Saint Simons Island. I can see my kids playing in the ocean or harvesting our garden. I can taste cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, and saltwater. I can smell BBQ and doughnuts from my favorite restaurant. I can feel the heavy burden of debt off my chest.
You see, once you decide what you want from step one, you can begin to feel real feelings that make you happy. Feelings that remove the doubt and help you get there. I first began learning to feel these feelings when I was in the classroom or walking during my planning period. I could always see myself in the life I wanted but I longed to FEEL that way.
Your mind has a powerful way of turning feelings into reality. Guess what, your mind doesn’t know reality from fiction. If you feel the same way in reality that you do when it is fiction, who is it to say that it isn’t real?
Now that you know what you want and you can honestly feel it…NOW we can discuss the part everyone wants to jump to straight out of the gate.
Don’t get bogged down here. This isn’t a race to the finish line. In fact, there is no finish line. This is a starting point, a place to feel safe, and a place to focus on.
Creating the life you want starts today and it starts by DESIGN. You must create it and stop letting it just happen to you.
Wanting to have more income, influence, and impact as a teacher is a wonderful goal. I want to help you create the life you love, and one way to start the process today is by going to to take a quick 2-minute assessment where I will help you kickstart your game plan to living the life of your dreams, whatever that might look like to you.
I know we have talked about it before but following in the steps of those that have gone before you is a great way to level up your learning. You could potentially step into a lifelong career, like our CEO Teacher® Trailblazer Jennifer Gauthier. She realized that she could make a whole career out of sharing her teaching passion with the world. She now 100% envisions sharing her passions full-time one day. Until then she is in the classroom and working toward envisioning the life she wants every free minute of her day!
Did you know that I am also answering all of your burning questions, coaching style each week on the podcast? All you have to do is leave a review of the podcast and then your question at the end. How would becoming a CEO Teacher® in training begin to help you make plans and teach you how to create the life you want to live!
If you are ready to begin making a bigger impact and income and know you need strategies and systems to help get you started. I’ve got you covered.
Maybe you are still wondering how it all comes together because you want to see the bigger picture. No worries friend, there is something for you here too!
Or maybe you are curious how to grow and scale your already thriving business. It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey, I am here to be your guide and help you live the life you want!
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This training will not only show you how to make the perfect TPT resource...
l'll also teach you how to make sure it ranks #1 in search (because getting found is how you get paid!) and the secret to rocking your resource marketing!
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