How to Take Your Teacher Business to the Next Level

CEO Teacher, Uncategorized
  1. […] so important to listen to your audience.  Don't limit yourself to just teachers when it could be teachers and parents.  I also think about one of our students Beth Hall that has niched down to help her audience […]

  2. […] she worked in corporate marketing, but after she had the first of three daughters, she realized she didn't want to work a regular nine to five. So she grew a wedding planning business for about 10 years. During her time helping a lot of other […]

  3. […] How To Take Your Teacher Business To The Next Level […]

  4. […] maybe you are curious how to grow and scale your already thriving business. It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey, I am here to be your guide and help you live […]

  5. […] So – how are you creating your life? Are you actively ensuring that it will become what you wa… Or are you allowing your life to passively create itself?  […]

  6. […] Do you feel this too? I knew I needed change. And to some, it may sound selfish, but the change was so I could become a better version of myself. When I finally realized that I could make a bigger impact, I went all-in with the ideas that kept me up at night. The ideas brought fire to my belly like no other. I was back to losing sleep, but in a good way, in a way that showed me I was on the correct path to this CEO Teacher® life.  […]

  7. […] to think outside the box. A self-proclaimed introvert she actually ended up enrolling in a retreat. Which was her first opportunity to really sit for a weekend with twenty one TPT sellers. It was […]

  8. […] story, this became my new normal. I'd teach during the day and work my new teacher side hustle at night. I was making money online fro…. Almost instantly the money started to come in and I knew I was onto something. I wasn't making […]

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