Teachers, like students, are always walking on the path of learning. The question is, “How can you use your experience as a teacher and turn it into a thriving teacher business?” How can you achieve success with your teacher business?
We are always learning and growing as teachers, business owners, and humans. If you're feeling stuck or at a plateau in your business, I've got some advice for you to take your teacher business to new heights!
The business and online world changes so fast. You may not be able to use the strategies you learned five years ago now. Make sure that you make stay up-to-date on the best practices of a teacher business owner. You don't necessarily have to make big changes but rather small improvements. Here are some of my favorite ways to exponentially grow your email list – a very important part of your teacher business!
Use any feedback you receive from your customers or those who you influence. It may not always be what you want to hear, but sometimes we need to see our businesses from the teacher's perspective, and this is a great way to do it! If you see a consistent pattern, you might want to consider making a few tweaks and see if it does any good to your business. Keep experimenting until you know what makes a difference. Using your audience's input will help them know, like, and trust you, and it will take your business to the next level.
Staying in your cocoon won't help when you are running a business. You need to go out and talk about it. It is crucial for you to bring awareness to what problems you are solving for your ideal customers.
There are many seminars, workshops, or related programs and activities happening that you can participate in and meet people from all walks of life. This will help more people to see your business and what you have to offer. Also, there are always fruitful takeaways in such events that can spur new ideas in your mind.
Digital networking is important too! Find people on Instagram to connect with, apply to speak at an online conference, connect with your ideal customers in Facebook groups, etc. All of these things will grow your teacher business.
Learning from others at teaching and business events will help you get new strategies and revive your passion as a CEO Teacher®. It can be easy to stay in your little bubble of school, home, family, and friends. But it's when we leave our comfort zones that we grow!
Another way to seek expertise for your teacher business is by getting a business coach (like yours truly), who will give you the accountability and new knowledge to go from beginner boss to seasoned CEO of your business in no time!
There is nothing better than investing some time in reading when it comes to opening your mind and shaping perspective. Form a habit to at least spend an hour reading books related to self-improvement, the teacher business, and finance to feed your brain with ideas and inspiration.
Try and put what you read into practice. See for yourself the amount of good it will bring to your business!
I'm here to support you and help you climb higher and gain momentum in your business. Take my FREE Teacherpreneur Type quiz to learn how you can use your strengths to take your teacher business to the next level! If you've taken it, let me know what your Type is in the comments!
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[…] so important to listen to your audience. Don't limit yourself to just teachers when it could be teachers and parents. I also think about one of our students Beth Hall that has niched down to help her audience […]
[…] she worked in corporate marketing, but after she had the first of three daughters, she realized she didn't want to work a regular nine to five. So she grew a wedding planning business for about 10 years. During her time helping a lot of other […]
[…] How To Take Your Teacher Business To The Next Level […]
[…] maybe you are curious how to grow and scale your already thriving business. It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey, I am here to be your guide and help you live […]
[…] So – how are you creating your life? Are you actively ensuring that it will become what you wa… Or are you allowing your life to passively create itself? […]
[…] Do you feel this too? I knew I needed change. And to some, it may sound selfish, but the change was so I could become a better version of myself. When I finally realized that I could make a bigger impact, I went all-in with the ideas that kept me up at night. The ideas brought fire to my belly like no other. I was back to losing sleep, but in a good way, in a way that showed me I was on the correct path to this CEO Teacher® life. […]
[…] to think outside the box. A self-proclaimed introvert she actually ended up enrolling in a retreat. Which was her first opportunity to really sit for a weekend with twenty one TPT sellers. It was […]
[…] story, this became my new normal. I'd teach during the day and work my new teacher side hustle at night. I was making money online fro…. Almost instantly the money started to come in and I knew I was onto something. I wasn't making […]