This interview – all about how to start a teacher podcast – has been a loooooong while in the making. Today I am ready to share exactly how to make a podcast for teachers, why a teaching podcast is a wonderful idea for your CEO Teacher® business, and how podcasting for teachers is going to be a huge category in the future…all with the help of our very own podcast producer. Friends, meet Sam Buti, our official producer here at The CEO Teacher®. When Sam and I sat down, we chatted about how teachers can utilize the idea of creating their own teacher podcast to make extra income on the side, even if they’re teaching full-time.
Though your teacher podcast can certainly become an income engine for your business, it may not be the way you think. With over 12 years of audio experience, Sam Buti has helped thought-leaders and business professionals go from disliking their voice to creating successful shows. What started as a voice acting career grew into a teacher business in Chicago and LA. Along the way, Sam pivoted to podcast production and has now supported two Top 100 Apple Business Podcasts, including this one here. While working on podcasts both large and small, Sam discovered key insights to make a successful teacher podcast, what the best podcast for teachers may be, and how a teacher education podcast is a wonderful way to make extra income. So if you’re ready to learn what a teacher podcast can do for your business, begin by listening to this episode…
In this episode, you will learn:
What's your CEO Teacher® Type? Find out here!
Download my free book, A Teacher’s Map of Online Business Secrets, and get started growing your business today!
Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here!
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