To all of the teacher entrepreneurs out there, whether you’re a teacher entrepreneur already or whether you’re one in the making, today I’m chatting with three Level Two students from the CEO Teacher® Academy. Friends, these three exceptional teachers have found success in their own unique way and their own unique teacher business. Most of all, in today's episode, you’re going to hear all about their experiences as teacher entrepreneurs. They’re going to share with you their stories, adventures, calamities, and, most of all, their successes so that you can apply their learnings to your own successful CEO Teacher® enterprise.
So if you’re ready to learn how to become a teacher entrepreneur, it’s time to meet my guests. Friends, please welcome Alyssa Broome, Darla Gardner, and Devon Gunning to the show. These three teacher entrepreneurs have moved from teacher to teacher entrepreneur to CEO Teacher® and beyond. Here’s a little more: Alyssa Broome is a former middle school teacher who taught in the classroom for over 10 years before she became a teacher entrepreneur. Today, she’s a full-time stay at home mom to two toddler boys. She started Teacher Noire because she wanted to create something that sparked joy for educators. My second teacher entrepreneur guest is Darla Gardner. Darla is a speech language pathologist with over 20 years of experience working in an early childhood center with children ages 3-6 years old. Her teacher business is called Ms. Gardenia’s Speech Room. Finally, Devon was a high school French and Spanish classroom teacher who now helps world language teachers discover a practical approach to creating community. So if you're ready to receive a wealth of information on how to start your teacher entrepreneur journey, begin by pressing play on today’s episode…
In this episode, you will learn:
What's your CEO Teacher® Type? Find out here!
Download my free book, A Teacher’s Map of Online Business Secrets, and get started growing your business today!
Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here!
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This training will not only show you how to make the perfect TPT resource...
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