You became a teacher because you wanted to help students, teachers, and families.
Instead of selling your soul 8-5, M-F, just to climb the district payscale (an unfortunate side effect of a career you were born for), why don’t we flip the script and nurture your soul using the same skill set you already possess?
In today’s episode, we are going to come together to learn to host a community where teachers can come ask questions about getting started with their own teacher ideas and selling online.
What's your CEO Teacher® Type? Find out here!
Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here!
Send me a DM on Instagram– I love chatting with my people, so come and share how you support teachers as an online coach! Or any questions you have about getting started with an online coaching business.
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This training will not only show you how to make the perfect TPT resource...
l'll also teach you how to make sure it ranks #1 in search (because getting found is how you get paid!) and the secret to rocking your resource marketing!
Seats are limited; sign up now!