The online course creator space has exploded in the last few years. You could probably throw a flair pen and hit an online training course creator or two! Your FB feed is most likely full of ads for business gurus offering masterclasses and live FB series to show you the overview of how to create a course. The one thing many of them are missing is knowing their audience!
That means we already understand how to deliver a lesson. What objectives should be included in a lesson? And the best method for delivering a lesson that reaches ALL learners.
What does that mean for you?
You are here which means you are probably an educator ready to sort through the noise in the online space. And I am here to help you do just that!
We chatted about the importance of recurring revenue with teacher memberships. But there is also value in creating a course on a specific topic in the online education space. With a course, you can go deeper into a topic, and get down to the foundation of what is needed to move forward with your topic.
Some creators even turn their course topics into core content when their ideas grow into a membership later on. Start with what you know and build on it.
But what should you do if you have an idea, but really no idea where to begin? Or you know you just want more out of your teaching payscale. But you really aren’t sure of the exact steps to course creation. Because it seems like there are way too many. And you spend all day in the classroom- which means you don't have time to sort through all the business advice to find the best system for you.
And then once you have an idea you need to understand all the software programs needed to actually deliver the course to your audience. The best part is that I am here to share all of that info with you!
Let’s get this party started!
In order to create a course you first need an idea. And I know, many people who first come into our world, don’t YET have this step figured out yet. That’s quite alright. We’ll help you brainstorm those ideas in an actionable plan.
Once you have the idea outlined, you’ll want to begin growing your list. Your email list that is. I'm going to let you in on a not-so-secret, secret- email is the only way to connect with your audience WITHOUT fighting an algorithm. Yes, there is a method to getting into someone's inbox versus spam, but it's sooo much easier to connect through email than any other platform.
But you have to get those people on your list first. And how do you do that? Through connection and awareness. This crucial step is one too many business gurus skip. They forget that teachers spend their days in classrooms. Not networking online. But we can make authentic connections with other educators, students, and families utilizing our teaching magic. And then show up in their inbox with value each and every week!
Digital courses usually come with a higher price tag. But there are many affordable courses out there too. Just think about the fact that you can typically make more income as a digital COURSE creator than a digital RESOURCE creator! But you will use MANY of the same skillset and strategies- just on a larger scale.
You may not be ready to create your own course today… and that's completely OK. And maybe you have an idea, but aren't quite sure of how to put all the pieces together! Everyone is at a different spot in the journey. And I want you to start looking toward the future. Where do you want your business to go and how you are going to sustain not just the creation phase, but your business as a whole?
Do you have a community of educators you could chat with and bounce ideas off of? A safe place where you can learn the ins and outs of course creation. And the all-important question….what do I charge?
The CEO Teacher® Community is full of educators creating courses, memberships, educational coaching businesses, and more. Plus supporting their fellow entrepreneurs, and chatting about all the ups and downs, backend connections, and tips and tricks of the course creation realm. There are quite a few online trainings for course creators. But I recommend you find a community that understands your time constraints as a teacher in addition to the lessons. People who get your challenges as an educator, and support your decision-making process when designing a digital course for other teachers, students, and their families.
Creating an online course for teachers will provide you with a more sustainable income. We do teach you the exact step-by-step strategies needed to create and launch an online course for teachers, parents, or students in The CEO Teacher® Programs. Pieces like hype, a content planning calendar, and sales models like Evergreen and Open and Closed Cart. Strategies like building your email list, qualifying your offer, designing your products, and the secret sauce to get it all to show up online, optimization.
We go over all the ways teachers are becoming trailblazers in their field with courses, memberships, podcasts, blogs, educational consulting businesses, and more.
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This training will not only show you how to make the perfect TPT resource...
l'll also teach you how to make sure it ranks #1 in search (because getting found is how you get paid!) and the secret to rocking your resource marketing!
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