Ideas for online courses were the furthest thing from my mind when I was on the new textbook committee for the 6th grade ELA. At the time, I’d just started teaching and I had noooooooo idea how to create a digital course or what online courses for teachers might even look like. I certainly didn’t know what profitable online course ideas might be. Instead, I was in our professional learning classroom to watch four of the biggest companies in education teach us about their books and their learning programs. What I learned, however, was digital course ideas for any teacher wanting to make online courses. I just didn’t know it yet.
I quickly realized that these textbooks weren’t a one size fits all solution. Moreover, these big companies were missing the most important part of education. So on today’s show, if you were to ask me the number one course tip I have for any teacher wanting to make a side hustle income right now — it would be to find a course topic that you are passionate about AND figure out how to intertwine relationship building between teachers, students, and parents. Are you ready to get started learning more than ten different ideas for online courses that could change the trajectory of your life? Your platform for online courses awaits when you press play on today’s episode…
In this episode, you will learn:
What's your CEO Teacher® Type? Find out here!
Download my free book, A Teacher’s Map of Online Business Secrets, and get started growing your business today!
Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here!
Send me a DM on Instagram– I love chatting with my people, so send me your ideas for online courses
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This training will not only show you how to make the perfect TPT resource...
l'll also teach you how to make sure it ranks #1 in search (because getting found is how you get paid!) and the secret to rocking your resource marketing!
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