There are ways teachers can make extra money online, and begin to take charge of their future. From saving teachers time by creating digital lesson plans and printable resources to offering physical products like teacher T’s and sticker sets. From creating memberships and courses to coaching and professional development opportunities. The possibilities are endless and there has never been a better time to get in on the wave of online learning.
I turned 35 this year and I thought I’d feel older, you know? Anyone else been there? Thinking that age will define your next move. I started CrossFit about a year and a half ago when I was 9 weeks pregnant so I’m really just now starting to see the progress now that our baby is 8 months old. I’m just now starting to feel stronger and lift heavier. I still leave some days like an old lady unable to walk for a few hours or so sore (especially in my core) that it hurts to laugh. But each day I feel stronger, more powerful, and heck if I’m being honest, I feel younger.
I saw this quote by Muhammad Ali and I thought to myself you know that isn’t only true for our physical bodies but also for our mental bodies too. We think we are too old to get started or too young to have enough experience. Some people I know told me straight to my face “Kayse you shouldn’t tell new teachers they can sell anything online, they don’t have enough experience.”
Hahahahaha! If only I had listened to that advice when everyone told me the same thing. Here’s the tea, veteran teachers are in the perfect position to make a killer income online because they have so much experience and are perfectly positioned to share all of that with the world.
But here’s the thing, new teachers are also in the exact same position because they have new ideas and new strategies that sometimes our veteran teachers haven’t heard of or have never used. I can give you 20 examples of teachers near retirement that are retiring early using our strategies and our CEO Teacher® programs to make money online and I can give you 20 more right now that are just getting started that need that extra income too.
So it doesn’t matter what your age is – as Ali said, you are as old as you think you are and today I’ll share 10 ways our CEO Teacher® Programs are teaching teachers how to make extra money online using their amazing teaching skills.
You aren’t too far behind, you are exactly where you need to be. In the perfect spot. Although we get to write our story, I believe God’s timing is infinitely more important and more powerful than our own. We have hiccups and moments that happen that sometimes feel like a setback, but what if they were a setup? A setup for what’s to come. A setup sounds so much more worthy of our attention.
Set back: delay or impede the progress of someone or something.
Setup: the way in which something, especially an organization or equipment, is organized, planned, or arranged.
I tell you all this to say, what if your current circumstances are a way in which something is being organized, planned, and arranged for your new situation?
I’ve got 10 ways teachers are making extra money online. It's a Total Teacher Transformation, where we encourage one another (through lessons, coaching, tools, templates, and community) to take any of these 10 pathways and frameworks and turn them into reality. It's the only business school for teachers and it's designed to set you up for success.
Mona Iehl from Mona Math says, “I started my TPT store in July 2020 and made .25 cents. I found Kayse in September 2020 and joined the CEO Teacher® in October of 2020. I went HARD at applying the learning about TPT and really built my store and made money. I made my first opt-in that built my list to about 200 people. I then switched my focus to create my first (mini?) course.”
“I launched my course to my email list of 300 people and sold 9! I took the summer off to relax and recharge but tried to keep in touch with my email list and share my opt-in. I continued to grow my list through sharing on social media. After one year in the CEO Teacher® Programs, I have an email list of 1,200 from 0 a year ago. After blogging for a year, and being featured on other blogs like Middle & other podcasts, I decided to start my own podcasting. I fell in love with podcasting! I started my podcast in October of this year (2021).”
Just like our friend Mona who is a podcasting guru now.
Or Tara T. the membership queen, going all in with her ideas while teaching full time.
Jocelynn H. turned her ideas into a thriving educational consulting business.
Or Courtney M. who is creating ESL resources to share with other educators.
Or even Kayla T. who is living her best life as a teacher influencer, sharing physical and digital products.
And for those of you who think TPT isn’t the place for you, I’ve got your playbook ready too!
Wants to know if she needs to have a specific number of blog posts written before she hits publish on the website. Stay tuned to this week's podcast episode to hear my answer! And don’t forget you can get your own question answered just by leaving your question at the end of your review.
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This training will not only show you how to make the perfect TPT resource...
l'll also teach you how to make sure it ranks #1 in search (because getting found is how you get paid!) and the secret to rocking your resource marketing!
Seats are limited; sign up now!
[…] It would allow them to create real businesses that go far beyond just Teachers Pay Teachers. Businesses that belong to them like starting their own podcast, selling products like stickers, stationary, and organizational goodies on Etsy. Creating teacher memberships that give teachers a safe place to ask questions when they are going into a new interview process. Courses that teach reading instruction, one on one coaching as tutors for various subjects and so much more. […]
[…] 10 Ways Teachers Are Making Money Online […]
[…] + You want to pursue making money outside of TpT with products, programs, and multiple streams of revenue […]