Top Self-Care Strategies for Teachers

CEO Teacher, Inspiration
  1. […] acknowledged the fact that the last thing that they currently work on is themselves.  And so they’re hoping to create more space in their lives to be better women. The goal is […]

  2. […] We have some life coaches that we have chatted with. We have people that want to coach that are big on writing that are teaching English as a second language.  But coaching is part of the idea of the business that they want to build. I wanted to really dive into what her 1:1 model looks like because there is so much opportunity to be unique. So someone reaches out to Brooklyn and they want to work with her. If someone reaches out and wants to talk about one-on-one coaching, she sets up a call with them to talk about things face to face.  She uses Voxer access, which is like a messaging app. So they're able to message, and text through there and send videos if they want.  […]

  3. […] You can also read “Top Self-Care Strategies for Teachers” by Kayse Morris. […]

  4. […] Setting up your schedule with time carved out to invest in yourself is so important! If your physical, mental, emotional well-being is the last on the priority list, you won’t be able to help others because you haven’t filled yourself up! Put it in your daily routine to invest in yourself. Doing this has changed my life, and I know it will change yours too. […]

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