One of the most overlooked steps in the CEO Teacher success path is making the mindset shift to CEO Teacher, and scarcity mindset is part of that! You can’t go from selling your teaching resources online as a side hustle to scaling your business without the total teacher transformation of habits, mindset, and prioritizing what’s most important. Let’s tackle scarcity mindset head-on today and move from thinking there’s not enough to go around to understanding there is more than enough waiting for those willing to get it!
The scarcity mindset meaning is the belief that there is never enough to go around and that you’ll never be able to live your best, most purposeful life because you don’t have the resources to make it happen. Scarcity mindset is grounded in competition, negative self-talk, and fear. You may feel like you aren’t worthy of wealth and success.
One of my favorite authors, Stephen Covey, writes in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People that you compete for resources when you live in a world of scarcity, even though there is more than enough. People who have a scarcity mindset have thoughts like, “I guess I’ll never be successful because she’s doing what I want to do,” or “I want to start a business, but I don’t have enough time or money to invest.” Does this sound familiar?
Now, let’s flip the script. What is abundance mindset? An abundance mindset comes from knowing your self-worth and being secure in who you are. You know that there is more than enough to go around, and you are willing to go out and get it. When you have a scarcity mentality, your focus is outward – asking yourself why life is happening to you or why others seem more successful. But an abundance mindset asks, “What is here for me?” and focuses on what you believe.
Another way to put this scarcity mindset vs. abundance mindset explanation is that someone with a scarcity mindset focuses on the current situation and all of the roadblocks in their way to success. In contrast, someone with an abundance mentality knows their worth and focuses on what could be. When you have an abundance mindset, you believe in collaboration over competition (“Wow! She’s rocking it in her area of expertise! Let’s learn from each other and work together! It’s a win-win situation.”), and you’re actively pursuing positive self-talk (“I didn’t get chosen for that sponsorship, but that just means that something better is coming my way!”)
So you’ve just realized that you *may* have a scarcity mindset. There’s good news! I have some tips for you on how to stop scarcity mindset. The first is to read. The more you read, the more you know, and the more you can continue to grow! Read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey if you’re looking for a must-have mindset book. And when you’ve finished it, choose another book on this list to dive into.
Next, it’s time for that negative self–talk to go out the window. Start with morning affirmations. I have mine posted up in my closet to read and speak them when I’m getting dressed each day. Here’s one to get started: “There is an infinite amount of success to be had, and I am willing and working towards my success every day.” Also, when you feel thoughts of scarcity or competition creeping in, switch your thinking to abundance. One way to do this is to look for the lesson in the situation. What can you learn?
The third way to overcome scarcity mindset is gratitude. Use the Notes app in your phone or your journal and write down ten or more things each day that you are grateful for. And be specific! For example, “I’m grateful for my body’s ability to push myself in my CrossFit workout while growing a healthy baby” instead of “I’m grateful for my workout.” Turn those things that may seem negative outwardly into gratitude. Instead of “I’m never going to reach X followers on Instagram,” say, “I’m grateful for the authentic community I’m building, and I know that each person who I connect with is important and special.” Flipping this around will do so much good for your attitude and abundance mentality!
Lastly on this list, believe in yourself. I know it’s easier said than done. But, when you believe that you are enough, you won’t let insecurity rattle you the next time you’re scrolling on Instagram, or you’re creating something new. It’s not what you do or don’t do, say or don’t say that’s enough. You, just by being authentically YOU, are enough. You are worthy of all of the success in the world. You are worth it, girl! Now it’s time for you to believe it!
The same goes for business. If you’re realizing you have a scarcity mindset in business, it’s time to break that spiraling cycle. Because, the truth is, IT IS HOLDING YOU DOWN. You were made for so much more, so it’s time to put your blinders on and do the dang thing! Don’t wait for perfection; don’t second-guess yourself. What you create, what you write, what you do is needed and beautiful. Don’t let the scarcity mentality get to you for one more minute. Here’s how we’re going to break the scarcity mindset in business:
First, your focus should be on serving, NOT competing. Your teacher business is not ranked against others. Instead of keeping up with other teachers, shift your focus to your customers. How can you serve them best? How can you use your unique talents and passion to help them? You have SO much more than you think you do, friend. The world needs your ideas, strategies, and perspective.
Second, ground yourself with positive self-talk and optimism. I’m NOT talking about toxic positivity here. Instead, remind yourself that there is an abundance of success, money, resources, and time out there, and you are persistently working toward what you want. When something tries to derail your thought life, think about how far you’ve come and the unique gifts inside of you that you are working to share with the world. Remember, scarcity mindset focuses on what happens TO you, but abundance mindset focuses on what happens FOR you.
Third, remember that we’re all in this together. It’s a beautiful journey. There are seasons of life where you can enjoy the scenery, other seasons where you can collaborate with other teacherpreneurs along the way, and others still when you need to put your head down and focus on putting one foot in front of another. Wherever you’re at on your journey, remember that it’s where you’re supposed to be and to ENJOY it! Sure, the early mornings may not be fun, but think of all the time you’re putting in now so you can spend more time later with your family. Search engine optimization may make your brain hurt but think about all of the new information you’re learning and how you will use it to grow your business.
So, friend, tell me: how’s your mindset?! Are you feeling stuck in the scarcity mentality, or are you living your best life in abundance? If you tend to have a scarcity mindset, this podcast is a must-listen episode. What can you do TODAY to bust through those limiting beliefs? If you need help taking your business to the next level, or if you’re just beginning your CEO Teacher® journey, click here for your guide to start or expand your online teaching business. There is SO MUCH goodness, joy, and success out in the world for you, and it’s time to stop letting your mind stop you from getting it!
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Thank you Kayse for this beautiful article. Your ideas are really great & helpful. I appreciate your writing skills & thoughts. Your ideas inspire me. Just loved your article. Great.
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