It’s time to make an action plan for the new year! Can you believe it?! I feel like this year flew by, but then again, I say that every year! My team and I recently sat down to make our business plan for the new year, and it prompted me to pull the curtain back and show you exactly how I plan everything out in my business. This process is the key factor in turning my $100,00 a year business into making over a million dollars each year. So pull out your chart paper, sticky notes, and markers, and let’s get planning!
The first step in making your business plan for the new year is getting clear on your priorities. If you listen to this podcast episode on planning for the new year, you’ll know that I call this your “Heck Yes” list. Write down the top ten things that you will say “Heck Yes!” to this year.
At the top of my list is babies and family and personal development. Before I even dip my toe into the business, I need to make sure I have dates and times blocked off for family and personal development. So when I’m making a plan for the new year, I know that I will be blocking off six weeks when my baby is due and any other important family events I want to prioritize.
If you’re having trouble deciding what is on your “Heck Yes” list, here are a few more that are on my plan for the new year. I base everything else I do in my business around my program launches, so that’s next on my list. Then, I prioritize email marketing, blogging, The CEO Teacher Podcast, and social media. I’m also taking this year to focus on affiliate marketing, which goes on the list too!
Now that you have your “Heck Yes” list, it’s time to sit down and put those items on your plan for the new year. I have four large calendars each year in my business – one for each quarter. You may hear them called Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. These quarterly calendars each include three months of the year. So, when you’re planning out your Q1 (Quarter 1) calendar, you’ll be adding in all of your priorities in January, February, and March. Seeing the whole quarter at a glance, you can make important decisions and be proactive when creating your business marketing plan for the new year.
I will put what’s most important on my yearly calendar, and then I will focus on the details (social media, emails, blogging, and more) each quarter. This is what works best for my team and me, but you have to decide the best way to plan for the new year for you!
As I mentioned above, I start my business plan for the year with a birds-eye-view to ensure the essential pieces are in place. But then, we get as detailed as possible when my team creates our quarterly calendars. We’ll note when we need to send specific emails, what I’m posting on Instagram, the content of my blog posts.
When you can get super detailed and plan out every piece of content, every launch, every part of your marketing strategy?! That’s when you’ll win! Once it’s down on paper, we MAKE IT HAPPEN. So, write it down and MAKE IT HAPPEN! It’ll take more time now, but I promise you’ll thank me later!
Now that you have your content and priorities in your plan for the new year, it’s time for the SECRET SAUCE. This is the IT factor that will set you apart from everyone else – HYPE. I see it all of the time… a teacher makes a new product line or launches a program that they’re excited about, but they don’t get the sales they’re hoping for. There are many reasons why, but one of the big reasons is they didn’t build enough HYPE.
Can I tell you a secret?! I start building hype for my launches almost TWO MONTHS before I open cart. Yup. It’s not a random thing that I think about three days before I release it. If you want to become an industry leader, you have to start thinking like one. There are tons of hype mechanisms out there, and I encourage you to try several and find what works for you and your audience.
Hype is what your plan for the new year is missing, so think about how you could build momentum before you announce your next TPT product line or course launch. What could you do to get your community excited to purchase? Think about Nike, for example. They release a small number of pairs of shoes in a particular style, and the hype is so big that they sell out in SECONDS! Teacher friend, you can make this happen for you too. Think outside the box to make the new year the best one yet!
Are you ready for a little tough love?! The only thing standing between you and your success in the new year is YOU! It’s time to stop letting limiting beliefs and distractions get in your way. One of my favorite quotes is, “Action brings clarity, and clarity produces results.” Don’t make this beautiful, color-coded business plan for the new year just to let it collect dust by February. Be persistent and do what’s necessary to see your plan through. Stop letting the people you follow on Instagram influence how you run your business. Put your blinders on, keep taking massive action, and do the dang thing! I know you can do it. It may be hard, you may have to make sacrifices, but it will be so worth it in the end!
I believe in you. It’s our year, so let’s make it happen by taking massive action! Are you in?! Let me know by sharing your plan for the year on Instagram and tagging me @kaysemorris! I can’t wait to see it and cheer you on!
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[…] suit with everything else in our businesses. So, what do you need most as a teacher blogger? Consistency. This means that you should be posting regularly. That could be once a month, once every two weeks, […]
[…] 5 Steps to Make a Business Plan for the New Year […]
[…] habits. How are you going to get ready for what’s to come when you have no idea what it might be? Get your plan in place. What are your Heck Yeses, your non-negotiables? Set your goals so together we can take massive […]
[…] Create a business plan that provides potential customers with a snapshot of your tutoring services. Organize your offers with an easy-to-understand method or framework. Create a business hub (or website) to share with your audience. Include links to get on your schedule. We love Calendly as an option. That way you can schedule and receive payments at the same time. […]