Reading Snowflake Bentley is the highlight of winter in the classroom. Snowflake Bentley Activities are alluring and appealing to such a wide range of children. If you need a fun snowflake text, your best bet is Snowflake Bentley written by Jacqueline Briggs Martin. These activities are great even through the month of February.
Want to know the absolute best part about this book? You can access it for free online!
Where can I even begin on all of the fun activities for Snowflake Bentley? I like to plan out my entire week for this unit right when we get back to school from the winter holidays. I begin with these lesson plans.
If you teach 2nd or 3rd grade, you can access the standards that are relevant for teaching this story here.
Teaching the vocabulary within stories before you begin reading is vital to our students. Many students, especially mine in the south, don’t have any prior knowledge of snow at all. It has literally only snowed in my town once since I have been born, and I’m no spring chicken – Haha. In addition to Snowflake Bentley vocabulary, I also like to slide in a few words that teach students about literary elements. See some amazing Snowflake Bentley literary elements here. Then check out all of the vocabulary we chat about below.
In this unit, you will receive lesson plans for an entire week. This activity pack also includes eye-catching vocabulary posters that cover words in the story and posters on the standards addressed. You will also receive vocabulary cards to help review words every day. Throughout this unit, students will discuss the central idea and theme.
Have students make connections by reading the original fiction and nonfiction stories titled, “Snow What” and “Snow fun.” At the end of the week formatively assess your students using the included vocabulary quiz and comprehension test. In addition, you will receive fun activities to complete throughout the week including Snap Chatting your favorite snowflake, KWLs, creative writing, ABC order, and so much more. Teach this mini-unit over the course of the week using the lesson plan that I've already created for you! It's standards-aligned, and you have all of the resources you need. All you have to do is print and teach!
The magical world of printable snowflakes saved my sanity. Sanity is important as a teacher, too. Hahaha! I used to spend hours teaching my students how to cut the perfect snowflake and that usually resulted in breakdowns, thrown scissors, tears, and so much more (and those were just my reactions!!). Here’s a website that will make cutting snowflakes a breeze and will also help decorate your classroom for months to come. Printable Snowflake Templates can be found here.
Now let’s get started on Snowflake Bentley Reading Activities. When we read stories, I like to have comparable texts to help students really understand what they’ve read. As a writer myself, I usually create my own relatable text to read to my students. Below are the exact reading activities I use with my students, and they absolutely love them. We love reading them together first then throughout the week, students complete a series of questions during center time. These texts are a fun read for students, but it is important that we preview the Snowflake Bentley Reading activities with them because the text complexity is a bit high. Challenging our students is a win-win situation.
If you’re interested in grabbing this unit, you can check it out here at my TpT store.
Maybe you are thinking you can create your very own Snowflake Bentley activity (or some other awesome resource). But you aren't sure where to start. Or perhaps you have started your online business but are wondering how to gain traction and get your resources in front of your perfect audience? I want to share some tips and tricks to help get you started and make the most of your journey. It all starts with finding out your teacher type. Are you the helping hand or the fun-lovin' leader? Not sure, you can find your exact teacher type and get strategies for how to use those gifts to your advantage right here:
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Looks great! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much!! Can’t wait to use it!
I would love the reading passages, titled Snow What, but the email link is not working. Is there anyway I can get those, or do I need to purchase from teachers pay teachers? Thank you so much!
Wonderful ideas! Can’t wait to use it