CEO Teacher® Journal

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Back to school ideas for teachers wanting to make extra money come in all shapes and sizes. The best advice I have for you is to get scrappy. Getting scrappy means caring about something more than you care about being comfortable. Your teaching passions are enough to help you care about sharing your ideas with […]

back to school ideas

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Guilt grief and overwhelm, are CEO Teachers® worst enemies.  Teachers, raise your hand if this sounds like you… You feel the need to apologize every time you’re late for work or need to ask off for some important event If you receive less than stellar reviews on your teacher assessment, you apologize for said mistakes […]

guilt grief

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Money blocks can be a real struggle for CEO Teachers® in trying to value their worth. So this week, I decided to interview somebody that’s been a role model to me, someone that has inspired me through her books. (We have even shared about her books inside of our communities.) And we have talked about […]

money blocks

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If you’re a teacher entrepreneur, you’re probably wondering how to grow your email list from scratch (and honestly for FREE). You want to start an email list because you’ve heard all of the experts say it is imperative for your business, but where do you start? If you feel overwhelmed by email marketing, or you […]

how to grow your email list

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Today we are going to chat about tips for content creation and how our guest went from being burned out, overworked, and underpaid to living her best life. Meet Jessica Stansberry from Hey Jessica.  She started the chat going down memory lane thinking about when she was deep in side hustles and trying to do […]

tips for content creation

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Let’s talk about how to overcome imposter syndrome. First, what is it? Imposter Syndrome Definition – a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. ‘Imposters’ suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that overrides any feelings of success or external proof of their competence. Are you certified in middle […]

how to overcome imposter syndrome

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“Kayse, Is online education the future?” My students ask me this when they start to worry they are spinning their wheels. But I say to them, that the future of education and technology is changing daily. And there are so many ways for teachers to make money over the summer and add to the online […]

is online education the future

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So you’re at home all summer on vacation as a teacher and you’re trying to get scrappy. You know, looking for things around the house you can use to help you start your small teacher business at home. To make some extra income. But you don’t want to invest a lot of extra money and […]

start with small business

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Learn how to get started selling your teaching resources online so you can fiiiiinally get paid your worth as an educator.

This guide is what you need!

10 Steps to Get Started Selling Your Teaching Resources Online


because let's get real, your teaching salary is barely paying the bills ...

and we help teachers get paid their worth instead of being stuck in their state pay scale. 

Get access to this proven path of tools and tried-and-tested strategies designed to get YOU to the destination of YOUR teacher dreams faster than your lunch break.