Legendary vision board ideas.
Use my legendary vision board ideas to inspire your dreams. I’m no stranger to elaborate dreams for my future. Some of my dreams when I was younger were totally epic, or at least I thought they were, but my parents did a fine job of bringing me back to reality. For example, it’s kind of silly to think you’ll be the next Reba McEntire when singing well isn’t part of your potential. However, big dreams are an essential component of big success. There are always going to be those people who think your dreams are crazy and feel free to tell you so. Use these vision board ideas to motivate you.
Some of my big dreams I’ve already made true. However, that doesn’t mean I stop looking forward. Big dreams lead to bigger dreams – isn’t that how it should go? To achieve these big dreams, many of the self-help gurus I’ve studied recommend creating a legendary vision board. What better way to manifest your hopes and dreams than to see them every single day on a goal board, literally staring you in the face? It’s like the little angel on your shoulder that tells you to keep going.
Creating legendary vision board ideas have always been on my to-do list, but I’ve just never gotten around to actually making one – until now.
In this creating a legendary vision board post, I want you to join me on the journey of creating my dream board. I think goal board ideas can spark new fires within that can be the deciding factor to your success. So let’s get our goal boards and boogie, shall we?
You may be thinking, where can I buy a vision board? Well, depending on your style and the space you have available, it is really up to you. I purchased my board at a local office supply store. It’s the same size and dimensions as the one below.
Get a solid cork board, I bought mine from Office Depot.
The dimensions are 24″ x 36″
I first thought of what my vision board would look like while reading Jen Sincero’s book, You Are a Badass at Making Money. Jen does an impeccable job of describing ways to manifest your deepest desires. The more you see them, the more you say them, the more they become true. I didn’t really believe this wholeheartedly until I began writing down my dreams and giving myself positive affirmations. Feel free to use any board for your vision board ideas.
I’d say things to myself like, “You will be able to leave your teaching job to become a full-time blogger” and “You can make six figures a year from selling your resources.” Guess what? Those things are now a reality. Sometimes I doubted myself, but I never gave up. That’s my hope for you as we create a legendary vision board that will help you move mountains. You can read more about 15 things that happened when I quit teaching here.
Because of my teaching background, I found it necessary to make this board look as “teacheresque” as possible. I purchased fadeless paper, mermaid bulletin board border, and bright colored paper by Astrobrights. If you aren’t all for the teacher glitz and glam, grab a cork board and let’s get to sticking. You can even create a vision board online using websites like Picmonkey.
Photographs It’s important to visualize your hopes and dreams. I want to live on a beautiful island when I retire, so I went to a realty website and picked out the most extravagant home I could find because…why not?
Short, 1-liner dreams I like to make my dreams short and to the point. I want to create an amazing new blog space that focuses on my new life as a lifestyle blogger. On my board, I created a simple 1-liner that said, “Lifestyle blog.” It’s a quick reminder for me every day to get to work.
Another 1-liner I have featured on my vision board says, “Let husband quit.” No, no, no – not quit our marriage, silly! My husband sacrificed so much for our family in the early stages of our marriage. I was going to school full-time while he worked over-time at three jobs so we could make ends meet. I want to allow him to retire early and leave the stress of work behind. Life is too short. (BTW: He loves his job and would probably not retire even if I asked him.)
I like to have at least one quote on my vision board to remind me to be happy. Happiness is the key to success.
A lot of my hopes and dreams revolve around one of my favorite pastimes – writing. I have books (well photographs of books) stapled to my board as visual representations of bigger goals I want to accomplish. For example, I want to write a self-help book and have it become a New York Times bestseller. I also have writing a cookbook and a children’s book on my board.
Someone on my Facebook page recently stated she would rather create goals that are more attainable, like write 2,000 words in one day. Of course small goals are imperative – that’s the easy part, the part that gets you started. I create small goals for my day-to-day life all of the time, but I leave my biggest hopes and dreams on my vision board. These could take months or years to create, which is why the visual reminders are so important. Striving for the legendary goals – that’s the fun!
Most people desire to travel and love to put travel on their vision boards. I have the Appalachian Trail on my board. When our kids go to college, my husband and I want to take six months off and hike the entire trail together. That won’t happen for another 18 years, but it is still on my board because it is an important big goal.
I hung my legendary vision board on the wall in my office so everytime I slack at work, slump back in my chair and look around the room, my eyes settle on my giant wish board that screams, “GET BACK TO IT GIRL, THESE DREAMS WON’T BUILD THEMSELVES.” Can we say motivation?
Your vision board materials, and where you hang your “finished” product, are totally up to you. The only imperative is that you make it as personal as possible. It’s okay to be vain. It’s okay to say, “I want this for myself.” If the things you want in life benefit other people as well, I say DREAM BIG! For me, reaching these goals will better my life and the life of my family. I think that’s a win-win.
Bookmark this blog and join me on my journey to becoming a lifestyle/teacher blogger in the coming months. I can’t wait to see you again!
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What do you do when you achieve a goal on your board?
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