Teach students about one amazing physicists, Albert Einstein! This Albert Einstein unit is excellent to use during any time of the year. Students will love learning about Albert Einstein and participating in these activities and crafts!
I am Albert Einstein Mini Unit Page 1- Albert Einstein Cover Page 2- All about Albert Einstein Page 3- Albert Einstein Quote Printable Page 4- Albert Einstein Quote Printable Page 5- Albert Einstein Quote Printable Page 6- Albert Einstein Illustration BW Printable Page 7- Albert Einstein Illustration Color Printable Page 8- Albert EinsteinAdjectives Page 9- Albert Einstein Word Search Page 10-13 Albert Einstein Hidden Picture (E=MC2 and ALBERT) Page 14- Albert Einstein Acrostic Poem Page 15- Albert Einstein KWL Page 16-Albert Einstein Writing Prompt Page 17-18- Albert Einstein (Boys and Girls Edition) Page 19- Albert Einstein Flip Book **No Staple!!** Page 20-21- Albert Einstein Cut and Paste Timeline Page 22- Albert Einstein Credits Thank you!!
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