Teaching CvC Words is such a critical part in the journey of reading. Playing fun CVC Word Games with our students is engaging and fun! I’m a firm believer that when we bring teaching back to the basics we really see things begin to change. One basic thing all kids need and want is play. Teach CvC Words as a game to your students. As teachers we really like to know the “why” behind our teaching, or at least I do. Research says that children learn most with hands on learning. Here are 16 fun games for your students to play and teach CVC words.
Put on your apron and get ready to cook some sizzling bacon to teach CvC words! This game can be as easy as passing out the bacon pieces, or it can become a fun and interactive game for students to learn CVC words. For this lesson, I purchased a bacon tray and tongs from our local dollar store. Determine how many students will be playing the game and pass out the “Words I learned Today” page. In addition, Place the pieces of bacon on a table and spread them out. Then, ask students to get ready to sizzle some bacon! Next, students can pick the pieces of bacon they choose and say the words, or you can give them words to find in the pile.
Once students have mastered words, use the “Words I learned Today” provided on the next page to check their comprehension and to teach CvC words. Next, place those sheets in a sheet protector and give them dry erase markers. Each game will include a checklist that is specific to the game, or you can choose to use the generic one located at the beginning of this resource.
What child doesn’t love candy or the idea of a candy factory? I purchased a glass mini candy jar at my local Dollar Store. Then I place Skittles in the jar and every time a child gets one of their CVC words correct, I give them one Skittle. This may sound silly, but it’s amazing what Kindergartners will do for a Skittle! Much like the Bacon Sizzle game – place the candy cards on your desk and spread them out. Have students either pick up words you call out or pick the words that they know.
To build anticipation, I like to play secret agent music from Youtube before we play this game to teach CvC words. This can be played whole group or during flexible grouping. Usually, I will wear my sunglasses and write on a manila envelop that says TOP SECRET. Tell the students you are planning a secret assignment for students who are learning all of their CVC words. Next, place CVC words around the classroom. Students can only pick up the CVC word IF they can read the word and write it on their accountability sheet. Finally, the student with the most words found can win a fun pair or sunglasses, or be the line leader for the day!
Honestly, I thought this game would be mostly for my little girls, but my boys love it just as much. Bring a watering can to school on the day you play Flower Power! Students water the flower words that they know, or they can place them in a bucket. Same rules apply as in the above listed games.
Again, to be honest – I thought this game would be mostly for my little boys too, but my girls love it just as much. Bring a ”fly flap” for each child during flexible grouping. Make sure they understand the rules before we begin the game. No hitting anyone or anything with the fly flap unless it is a CVC word. This game can get a bit wild and crazy if you let it, so make sure to keep the kids on task the entire time. Call CVC words and have students individually splat the word. Once, I tried to do this as a competition but quickly realized that would not work with all students fighting for the same word.
No extra supplies are needed for this game! Students will create a sandwich with all components and CVC words. Sandwiches can be anything you select. I may say something like, “Today I want my sandwich to have a piece of bread and ketchup.” Students will pick up a sight word with a piece of bread and ketchup and then tell me what the word is. I also allow students to create and share their own sandwiches with me and the entire class.
Catching butterflies is always so much fun. We like to take this game to teach CvC words outside! I take the CVC words and head to the playground for this game. Butterflies do best if they are laminated so you can reuse them year after year. Cute washi tape makes this game even better! I have my parapro hide butterflies all over the playground. Students race to “catch a butterfly” and tell me or my paraprofessional what the word is.
If you want to make today extra special when you teach CvC words, have students bring in the components of lemonade for a sweet treat. If you are short on time, feel free to just bring an old pitcher from home to play this game. Students will grab random pieces of the lemonade cards and place them in the pitcher.
Run a string across your classroom for some extra fun today! I purchased my mini clothespins from our local Dollar Store! Clothes pin the CVC words across the room and have students go down the line and tell you the words.
This game is a great one to teach CvC words. Who doesn’t love playing the Beach Boys as loud as you can in your class? Getting students excited for learning is just as much fun for you as it is for them! I like to bring in a plastic container and fill it with sand. I place the beach toys and beach words in the sand and have students pick out words they know.
If you have access to fishing poles from board games or just a real one in your home, make sure to bring those! I like to have my students create their own as a simple craft. Students will take a popsicle stick and place yarn on one side and a bottom cap on the other. Students will hover over the correct CVC words.
Camping is easily one of my favorite activities so I always share photographs of my family camping before we begin this game. I bring a small backpack with me and students grab their sight words and place them in my back pack!
What things do you like to cook in your classroom? Some teachers love to use this game on days when they are planning to cook with their students! I bring a mixing bowl and a wooden spoon from home and have students place the CVC words in my mixing bowl!
Down, set, HUT! Students can get ready to play some CVC word football! You can tape these words to a football and toss it around your room. Place the words on a tee. No matter what, just make sure you have fun with it!
Same rules apply with this game as with the football fun game. Have students play this word game outside or inside. Have students kick a soccer ball to you and hold up a word!
I love to bring in all the pieces for this game. We love to have “camp read” week in my classroom. This is the perfect time to set up this CVC word game and enjoy SMORES! Students will go over words and write them down on their accountability sheet while I warm up the s'mores in my microwave.
Finally, if you're looking for ways to keep your students a bit more accountable, be sure to print out each game's accountability sheet. Place the paper in a dry erase sleeve and have students write down words they learn each day.
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