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Real stories from educators who have turned their passion and expertise in the classroom into successful online businesses, making additional income as well as a larger impact on the education world.

This is Amy's CEO Teacher® Membership Success Story

Amy Andress

Coach, Blogger, Digital Products Seller

"I was a self-professed chronic Googler before joining the CEO Teacher® Membership."

"4 short months ago I got serious and took the success paths and blueprint gifted to me inside the membership and applied the strategies and tools to TRIPLE my income."

"Something all those pieced together Google searches failed to do for me". 

Amy started her teacher business back in 2016 by listening to podcast episodes and Youtube videos. She joined the CEO Teacher® Membership in 2020 but fell off the wagon of taking action and listening to the lessons.

Then in November of 2023, she decided to change the trajectory of her life and devoted her time to reigniting her CEO Teacher® journey. She made a conscious decision to start leaning into the community and finding her personal pathway. 

After years of joining other programs where she worked hard to promote products for other companies, she was ready to promote her own ideas and teaching magic.

She likens the membership to taking college classes and using her innate skills plus what she is learning to create a business that she is proud to promote. 

While working her way through the meaty lessons and tools she has taken what she is learning, tweaking original products and offers and republishing them to a new audience.

Just the simple act has brought clarity to her biggest goals for her teacher business. She is now on track to support educators through the coaching pathway! Creating "Teaching With Frenchies and Lattes" where she supports educators one latte at a time has grown even with her part time availability. 

Amy might be a self-proclaimed dreamer but she is also an ACTION TAKER and is on track to crush the goals she has set for herself. She is helping other educators, paying it forward, while showing teachers how to grow and flourish in their lives as well. 

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